Monday, July 23, 2007

My Prelim Experience

waZZup EMO's again..,,HmM.,,talking about my first prelim experience in uic..,

I wake up early morning and go to school and im in a hurry.When i was arrived in school,talking bout the examination and study very quickly and were out of tim...Im very upset because i did not study.,,i was playing Dota after the examination that time..,huhuhu.,,
I was very nervous when the examination started,..but some of my classmates did not study too so i realize something and calm down.I answer the test paper very silent and deeply understand whats the correct answer..haha,i finish the examination on time so i dont matter something..,,And i go out in the room w/ no noise and no question after all the examination......Hmmm i thnk thats all..,,,hehehehehe


waZZup EMO's..,Welcome to my blog i hope u like it..!I wrote Frozen Throne as a title of my blog because i play DOTA everyday 24/7.Wanna play with me?just call me if you want to play a Dota PRO.haha.just kiddin"well,im good in playing Dota,many of my friends say it to me..haha.But its really expensive if you play in the cafe,Ofcourse you pay the time you use. Many people enjoy playing it and some of them are students.
I wrote this blog in order to remind to all Dota addicts that we should study first before the pleasures in our lives.!As the saying goes Work first before pleasure?I'm not sure it is the precisely correct..,,,haha..,,anyway that's all folks!joke ...

thank you guys..,,,,LOLZ!